Travel Data Integrations
Enhance your Emburse Enterprise data by integrating travel booking data from your Travel Management Company or Online Booking Tool
There are a number of advantages to integrating travel data into Emburse Enterprise.
- Merging travel data with credit card data maximizes the robustness of the information available for reporting and provides the ability to monitor booked vs actual spent
- Transactions can be grouped together in the e-Wallet by "Trip", allowing the entire trip to be applied to an expense report at once
It is important, however, to discuss the pros and cons of the integration with your Emburse Enterprise Project Manager. The method by which your travel bookings are paid, whether centrally by company / organization or by individual employees on a corporate or personal credit card has an affect on the travel data handling within Emburse Enterprise.
Following is a list of some of the Travel Providers we have integrated with. It is not meant to be comprehensive as the list changes frequently:
- Egencia
- Sabre/GetThere
- Amadeus/Cytric
- Deem
- Amex (GBT)
- Morrison Travel
- T&T Ultramar
- AdTrav
- Altour
- Anthony Travel
- Cadence
- Christopershon
- CJL Travel
- Covington Travel
- Direct Travel
- Gray Dawes Travel
- MacNair
- Reed & Mackay
- Safe Harbors
- TLC Travel
- Travel, Inc.
- Travel Leaders Corporate
- Travel Management Partners
- Travel Store
- Travel Team
- Vision Travel
- World Travel, Inc.
- Worldview Travel