ERP Connectors

Chrome River offers ERP Connectors for most major ERP systems


Connectors provide the most seamless approach to integrating data to / from your ERP and Chrome River. 

Following is a list of the available data transfer options:

Chrome River INVOICE

Use Case Logical Direction on Chrome River Type
Purchase Orders Inbound Transactional
Purchase/Goods Receipts Inbound Transactional
Person Inbound Master Data
Vendors Inbound Master Data
Allocations Inbound Master Data
Entities Inbound Master Data
Receipts Outbound Transactional
Invoice Postings Outbound Transactional

Chrome River EXPENSE

Use Case Logical Direction on Chrome River Type
Person Inbound Master Data
Allocations Inbound Master Data
Entities Inbound Master Data
Receipts Outbound Transactional
Payment/Status Update Inbound Transactional
Expense Postings Outbound Transactional

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