The New Reality of Expense Management Part 3: 5 Questions to Ask Your Finance Team
As previous posts in this series (8 Ways Companies Can Adapt to The New Financial Landscape, Is Now The Right Time to Revisit Your Solution?) have indicated, the reality of corporate travel and expenses has changed drastically due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Yet despite this worldwide travel upheaval, companies are slowly but surely resuming business travel, while supporting new, remote work options.
Business Travel, Chrome River, Expense ReportsThe New Reality of Expense Management, Part 2: 3 Reasons to Revisit Your Solution
In the first part of our series on the new reality of expense management, we looked at eight ways companies can adapt to the new financial landscape COVID-19 left us with, including updating T&E policies to reflect remote and hybrid workers, paying more attention to duty of care, and preparing for less frequent, yet more strategic business trips.
Business Travel, Chrome River, Expense ReportsIs Paying Top Dollar for “Just Okay” Expense Management Software Good Enough?
Have you seen the Rocket Mortgage Super Bowl commercial with Tracy Morgan? In the commercial, Tracy Morgan shows us why “certain” is better than “pretty sure” through a series of instructive scenarios: “I’m pretty sure these aren’t poisonous” (before eating a poisonous mushroom).
Chrome River, Expense Management5 Important Things That Happened at GBTA 2021
It’s true—GBTA 2021 happened November 17–19th in Orlando, Florida. Emburse was one of the exhibitors and we were lucky enough to host our own Conference sessions. Everyone who attended had a blast.
Business Travel, For CFOs, For Travel ManagersThe New Reality of Travel Management Part 1: 8 Ways You Can Adapt to The New Financial Landscape
Just when we thought we were finally putting the pandemic behind us, new COVID-19 variants like Delta and Lambda emerged. A global supply chain snarl led to delays with Costco inventory and Amazon shipping speeds. Some countries have already reinstituted travel restrictions. But make no mistake—business travel spending is still increasing.
Business Travel, For Travel ManagersUsing Your Data for Negotiations With Vendors
Maximize revenue. Minimize spending. That’s the key to financial success, right? While following that path is easier said than done, there is a quicker way to reduce your expenses right now: negotiate discounts with your vendors. For example, before the pandemic, major airlines like American Airlines and Delta Airlines offered corporate discounts, benefits, and services to large businesses. By showing them how often your employees paid for their services, you could negotiate meaningful discounts.
Accounts Payable3 Enterprise Functions Your Expense Management Software Must Integrate With
Digital transformation is one of the top priorities for businesses these days. It's impossible to stay competitive without accessing the power of unified data across your organization. However, many enterprises cannot execute their digital transformation goals due to their data being siloed in different systems. Here are the three major functions your expense management software needs to integrate with.
Chrome RiverThe Future of Travel Part 2: Five Predictions for Post-Covid Business Travel And Expense Management
For over half a century, millions of people have been flying between cities and across borders to meet potential clients and close deals. Most of us are so accustomed to the rinse-and-repeat ritual of business travel that we couldn’t imagine going a whole year without seeing the inside of an airplane.
Business Travel, For Travel ManagersThe Future of Travel Part 1: Five Findings That Prove Business Travel is Here to Stay
As the world gets used to a new, pandemic-informed status quo, decision-makers need to decide how to best budget for and incorporate travel into their strategies. Many executives are planning to resume domestic business trips before the end of the year. Some believe the future of travel will involve fewer, more strategic trips that require more upfront planning and cost more per flyer.
Business Travel, Expense ManagementElsevier: Overcoming Global Finance Complexities
A global footprint is indicative of an organization’s success. For finance teams, expense management across international locations can lead to many frustrations. Learn how Dutch enterprise information solutions provider Elsevier solved these challenges with Emburse Chrome River.
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Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care.
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic.